

关于参加第十届国际无线通信与信号处理大会(WCSP 全球最大的博彩平台8)的通知

编辑 : cgsoft     时间 :全球最大的博彩平台8-10-17 16:01    访问次数 :1874


    本届大会主题是“Building the Network Intelligence for Future Wireless”,邀请了众多国内外学术界和企业界(华为,阿里巴巴等)的顶级专家学者作大会主旨报告和专题讨论,包括IEEE通信学会主席Khaled Letaief教授,加拿大工程院院士、IEEE Internet of Things Journal主编Sherman Shen教授,英国皇家工程院院士Lajos Hanzo教授,IEEE Trans. Signal Processing前主编 Zhiquan (Tom) Luo教授,IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications候任主编 Junshan Zhang教授,IEEE Wireless Communications Letters主编Wei Zhang教授,IEEE Fellow 佐治亚理工Geoffrey Ye Li教授,IEEE Fellow多伦多大学Wei Yu教授,IEEE Fellow新加坡技术与设计大学 Costas Courcoubetis 教授和Tony Quek教授,IEEE Fellow伦敦大学学院的Kat-kit Wong教授,以及来自华为法国研究所的IEEE Fellow Merouane Debbah博士和来自阿里巴巴的IEEE Fellow、城市大脑首席科学家 Xiansheng Hua博士等。与会嘉宾将就5G和6G无线移动通信、人工智能及其与通信和网络的结合、城市大脑、大数据处理、物联网、网络空间安全等信息通信领域热点方向展开深入的讨论和交流。


Keynote Talks

Keynote Talk 1: Understanding simple algorithms for big data

Prof. Zhi-Quan (Tom) Luo,   IEEE Fellow

University   of Minnesota, USA

Keynote Talk 2: Exploiting Delay-Tolerance in 5G: Decongesting the   Backhaul

Prof.Costas Courcoubetis

Singapore   University of Technology and Design, Singapore

Keynote Talk 3: Alibaba Practices of Large Scale Visual Intelligence in   the Real World

Dr. Xian-sheng Hua,   IEEE Fellow

Alibaba   Group, China

Keynote Talk 4: Wireless AI: Challenges and Opportunities

Dr.Merouane Debbah, IEEE Fellow

Huawei   Mathematical and Algorithmic Science Lab in Paris, France

Keynote Talk 5: Impact of Social Learning on Privacy-Preserving   Crowdsensing

Prof. Junshan Zhang,   IEEE Fellow

Arizona   State University, USA

Keynote Talk 6: Spatial Deep Learning for Wireless Scheduling

Prof. Wei Yu,   IEEE Fellow

University   of Toronto, Canada

Keynote   Talk 7: Deep   Learning in Physical Layer Communications

Prof. Geoffrey Li, IEEE Fellow

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Panel Discussion

Panel Topic:

Will Machine Learning Tools Replace Communication Engineers?


Prof. Kai-Kit Wong, IEEE Fellow, University College London,   UK

Prof. Lajos Hanzo, IEEE Fellow, University of Southampton,   UK


Prof. Wei Yu, IEEE Fellow, University of Toronto,   Canada

Prof. Geoffrey Li, IEEE Fellow, Georgia Institute of   Technology, USA

Dr. Merouane Debbah, IEEE Fellow, Huawei Technologies, France

Prof. Zhi-Quan (Tom) Luo, IEEE Fellow,   University of Minnesota, USA

Prof. Junshan Zhang, IEEE Fellow, Arizona State University,   USA

Prof. Costas Courcoubetis,   Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore